Top Psychology Vocabulary Flashcards

Welcome to our psychology vocabulary flashcards! Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it works. It usually concentrates on how the mind affects behavior in different situations. It is a science that embraces all different areas of both the conscious and unconscious mind as well as thought. Psychology is a social science which tries to help people understand other people and groups. We have gathered data and piled it into three different sets of flashcards. In our first set, we cover some of the basics such as the definition of psychology, empirical evidence and critical thinking.

In our second set, we cover terms like psychoanalysis, functionalism and objective introspection. In our final set, we discuss more of how the brain works. Some of these terms include neurons, dendrite, biological psychologists and many more. If you want to learn more about our psychology flashcards, make sure to check these out.