Top Vocabulary Flashcards

Do you have a vast knowledge of the common lexicon, such that you can expound eloquently on any and all topics? If you’ve got an extensive vocabulary, jump on in to our vocabulary quizzes. It’s kind of like the vocabulary tests you did in grade school, but a lot more challenging.

Prepping for a big college test? This might be the place to have a little fun refreshing your vocabulary skills. Can you define “abstemious”? Can you use “vicissitude” in a sentence? What is “truculence”? Do you know what an “excrescence” is? What does it mean when one is “quiescent”? Do you “repine”? If I described your home as “littoral”, what would I mean? If I’ve done something in a “jocose” way, was I serious? If two things are “immiscible”, what are they? Brush up your word power and try your skills at our vocabulary quizzes. Go ahead, be grandiloquent!