Top 11th Grade Flashcards

It's time to begin 11th grade, why not start this year ahead of the curve? Our flashcards cover subjects you will learn about this year including biology, composition and literature. Some hormones like estrogen and testosterone are important in the development of males and females. We cover important topics about how hormones can affect you throughout the day and what happens to your body during an emergency. In biology, those are some of the topics you'll be expected to understand.

These flashcards will help you understand evolution and introduce you to the influential people involved in estimating the age of the Earth. In literature and composition, we cover the story of Huckleberry Finn and The Civil War. We cover important questions that test reading comprehension such as the plot of the story and important events within the book. These flashcards will take you on an exciting adventure with Huck Finn, aid in discovering the history of the Earth, and provide a close look on how our bodies work.