Biology Grade 11 Flashcards

Study and practice for Biology Grade 11 exam with these Flashcards. Learn about different terms, keywords, and much more with our flashcards made for students studying Biology Grade 11, and become a master of the topic.

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A tall pea plant was shown by a test cross to be homozygous dominant. The tall plant was crossed with a dwarf pea plant. The F1 generation of the cross will be
a. all tall. b. all dwarf. c. 2/3 tall and 1/3 dwarf. d. 3/4 tall and 1/4 dwarf. e. 1/2 tall and 1/2 dwarf.
a. all tall.
In Tibetan yaks, the heterozygous condition of the alleles for brown hair (b) and white hair (w) is expressed as a bluish coat. The phenotype percentage that will be expressed by the FIn Tibetan yaks, the heterozygous condition of the alleles for brown hair (b) and white hair (w) is expressed as a bluish coat. The phenotype percentage that will be expressed by the F generation of a brown-haired yak crossed with a white-haired yak is

				100% blue.
				75% brown and 25% white.
				50% brown and 50% white.
				25% brown, 50% blue, and 25% white.
				75% blue, and 25% white.

generation of a brown-haired yak crossed with a white-haired yak is
a. 100% blue. b. 75% brown and 25% white. c. 50% brown and 50% white. d. 25% brown, 50% blue, and 25% white. e. 75% blue, and 25% white.
a. 100% blue.
The gene M is essential for life. In a cross PpMm ´ PpMm, the number of offspring out of 16 that will not survive is
a. 3. b. 4. c. 9. d. 12. e. 16.
B. 4
In guinea pigs, rough hair coat (R) is dominant to a smooth coat (r), and black hair colour (B) is dominant to white hair colour (b). A rough, black guinea pig and a rough, white guinea pig when mated produce 28 rough black, 31 rough white, 11 smooth black, and 9 smooth white offspring. The genetic composition of the parents is
a. RrBb and Rrbb. b. RrBb and RrBB. c. RrBb and RRBb. d. RRBb and RrBB. e. RRBB and RrBB.
a. RrBb and Rrbb.
In which of the following lists are the structures listed in order from the simplest to the most complex?
a. organ system, organ, tissue, cell b. tissue, organ, organ system, cell c. cell, organ system, system, tissue d. cell, tissue, organ, organ system e. cell, organ, tissue, organ system
d. cell, tissue, organ, organ system