Top 10th Grade Flashcards

Welcome to our flashcards aimed at making 10th grade a breeze! We hope to provide you with a comprehensive review of all the things you will need to know for 10th grade. Included in our 10th grade content are flashcard decks covering literature and composition, and information systems technology. In our literature and composition deck we will cover the novel, The Kite Runner, and the major events of this fantastic piece of literature.

We will also cover synonyms of words. In our information systems technology cards we have included a review of basic terminology you will be expected to know during your 10th grade education. By the time you’ve finished, you’ll known terms such as FTP and bit mapping! Here is a sample of the kinds of questions you can expect to see. Between Hassan and Amir, which one demonstrates loyalty to the other? What means the same thing as bear? What tags in html are used to create a table? We hope that you enjoy our complete sets of 10th grade flashcards aimed at getting you that perfect report card!