Top Christian Flashcards

There are more than 2 billion Christians in the world today, all striving to follow the example and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity is separated into three main branches: Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant, with a handful of other denominations that don’t quite fit into any one branch. Each sect has its own beliefs and rituals, and each prescribes a slightly different way of life for its followers. Even within a sect, there can be dramatic differences: for example, Baptists and Quakers both belong to the Protestant branch, but their rituals of worship couldn’t be more different!

Whatever differences may exist among Christians, they all share a common belief in a single God and in Jesus Christ. They also believe in the central importance of the Bible, though there are many different attitudes toward what role the book should play in a believer’s life, and even which books should be included in it! These flashcards will help you understand the differences and similarities between Christianity and other religions, and among various Christian sects. If you happen to be a Christian, they will also help you learn the Bible and inspire greater faith in God.