Top Cholinergic Drug Flashcards

Cholinergic drugs enhance, or mimic the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, the primary transmitter of nerve impulses within the parasympathetic nervous system. That part of the autonomic nervous system that contracts smooth muscles, dilates blood vessels increases bodily secretions, and slows the heart rate. Welcome to our Cholinergic Drug Flashcards! Medical students are going to have a wonderful help in their studying process if they pay close attention to our flashcards.

In the first group of flashcards, called Cholinergic Drug for Urinary Retention, we have six cards and info on the cases of this drugs on the urinary tract, assessments for bethanechol and so on. In the second group of the flashcards, called Adrenergic Cholinergic Drug List, we have eighty-seven cards with beta 1 and 2 agonists and names of medicines. In the last group of the flashcards, called Cholinergic Drugs & Cholinergic Blockers, we prepared thirty-two cards with info on acetylcholine, nicotinic receptors, muscarinic receptor, Alzheimer's treatment and many more effects of the drugs and their use.