Top 8th Grade Flashcards

Contained within our 8th grade flashcard decks are two topics: the nature of waves and energy in science and the nature of the constitution of the United states. Did you know that all the light we see in the world are made up of waves? In fact, even heat is made of waves. We will explore the relationship between waves and the energy contained within them throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. We will even give you a sneak peek of the kinds of questions you will see! In what order do the colors of visible light refract when it travels through a prism? Why does it always refract in this order?

What type of electromagnetic radiation has the longest wavelength?The shortest wavelength? In our study of the U.S. Constitution, we will learn the requirements to become the president, and to serve in the Senate, Congress and the House of Representatives. You will learn what responsibilities each branch of the government have and how laws are passed in the United States. We hope you enjoy our 8th grade flashcards!