Grade 8 General Math

Helps in m ost area

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

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What is Volume?
Amount of spasce an object occupies.
How is the volume of a rectangular prism calculated?
Length x Width x Height (l x w x h)
How is the volume of a triangular prism calculated?
Base x Height of Triangle ÷ 2 x Height of Prism (b x h ÷ 2 x H)
What is a Polygon?
A closed shape that has 3 or more sides.
What is a Polyhedra?
A 3D solid with faces that are polygons.
How do you calculate surface area of a Polyhedra?
Find the area of each face and then add them together.
What is the correct form of measurement?
Units squared (ex 10 cm2)
What is area?
The measure of a shapes surface.
What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?
Length x Width (l x w)
What is the formula for the area of a triangle?
Base x Height ÷ 2 ( b x h ÷ 2)
What is perimetre?
The distance around an object.
How do you calculate perimetre?
Add all the side lengths together.
What is circumference?
Distance around a circle.
What is diametre?
Distance across a circle.
What is radius?
Distance to the centre of a circle.