Grade 10 Chemistry

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 204

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Groups of the Periodic Table
Alkali Metals - extremely reactive. Shiny, silver metals
Alkaline Earth Metals - fairly reactive
Metalloids - has both metallic & non-metallic props.
Halogens - most reactive non-metals
Nobel Gases -all gases at room temp, very unreactive
Ion Formation
Noble gases are stable as energy levels are full (stable octet), other atoms gain/lose to become stable
Metals tend to lose electrons (cations)
Non-Metals tend to gain (anions)
Ionic Compounds
-a binary compound contains 2 elements
-a binary ionic compoound forms when a metal loses one or more electrons to a non metal (transfer)
-ions are held together by attraction
Ionic Compounds containing Type ll Mulitvalent Metals
Still binary ionic metal (metal-cation, non metal-anion)
this time metal can form ion with more than one possible charge (multivalent)
Tertiary Ionic Compounds
More than one atom, bonded together which carry a charge.
Molecular (Covalent) Compounds
Molecular Compound
compound formed due to the sharing of unpaird electrons (2 or more non-metals covalently bonded)
Covalent Bond
forms when a pair of electrons between to non metals are shared. Valence shells overlap and shared electrons are attracted to the nuclei of both atoms, bonding them together.
Electrons are not transferred, atoms remain uncharged
Classifying Chemical Reactions
Synthesis Reaction
A+B = AB
Decomposition Reaction
a ionic compund breaks down 2 or more products
usually requires some sort of catalyst
Single Displacement Reaction
a reactive element (metal or non-metal) and a compound react, one element displaces another
Double Displacement Reaction
positive ions of 2 compounds change places and form two new compounds

Neutralizing Reactants
Special case of double displacement involving acid and base
a 2nd form