Top Nervous Tissue Flashcards

Nervous tissue is the parts of your body involved in sensation and movement. It’s concentrated in the “Central Nervous System,” which mainly consists of the brain and spinal cord. From those central locations, nerve cells send out long fibers to shuttle signals back and forth from your body to your brain – motor signals going out to control your muscles, and sensory signals coming in to tell your brain what’s going on in the world around you. Within the brain itself, nervous tissue is built into staggeringly complicated arrangements that produce your personality and behavior.

The best way to understand nervous tissue is to work from two angles: at the basic level, try to understand how neurons work. All nervous tissue is built out of neurons, so if you understand how they function you’ll understand a lot about nervous tissue. But on the other side, it’s also important to understand what nervous tissue is actually doing. For that, it helps to look at brain anatomy and psychology, and try to relate those concepts back to what you’ve learned about neuron functions.