Top Horse Flashcards

The horse is a fast, powerful animal with a magnificent appearance. They are descended from herd animals that lived on the plains of Europe and Asia for millions of years. These ancient horses developed long legs and strong muscles to keep them safe from predators, and they were so successful that they spread across the plains, eating grass in huge herds and trying to stay safe from wolves and lions.

Then a new creature came into the horses’ world: humans. Over thousands of years, humans learned how to tame these wild creatures, and the horse’s speed became ours. The first horseback riders must have been a fearsome sight, galloping across the plains at speeds no human being had ever reached before. It was a useful partnership for both horses and humans, and the technology of horseback riding quickly spread around the world.

Today, few people depend on horses to get around – they were almost entirely replaced by trains, then cars and airplanes, and now they are mostly kept as pets and hobby animals. But humans still enjoy riding them, and we can still get enormous pleasure from getting to know these majestic, ancient animals.