Top Health Care Flashcards

Healthcare is the defined as the maintenance or improvement of health via the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings. Whether you are considering a career in healthcare or are just curious about how the health care system works, our health care flashcards can provide what you need. In our first set of flashcards, we cover the financial management of healthcare organizations. We ask tough questions like “What is the difference between cash and accrual based accounting?” Check out our flashcards for the answer.

In our second set, we discuss healthcare finance and the importance of having health insurance. In this comprehensive set, we help you understand terms like fee-for-service and ask questions such as “What is the mortality risk among individuals without health insurance?” In our final set, we provide information about the current healthcare systems and trends. We go into topics like acupuncture, alternative medicine and gene therapy. Get to work!