Top Therapy Flashcards

Therapy makes use of a large number of techniques to attempt the recovery of certain lost capacities that could have been caused by an accident or other reasons. The origin of this word is in the Greek language, where its original meaning is healing. Our set of flashcards includes the variety of processes that are included in this field, such as respiratory therapy, positional release therapy, negative pressure wound therapy, and so on. Each handicap or wound requires the precise techniques and apparatus to be treated efficiently.

Hence, our flashcards are precisely labelled for each case scenario including scientific terms to avoid ambiguity. On the psychological side, you will also find behavioral therapy, models of family information, and family dynamics which could be of your interest. The psychotherapy techniques are different form the physical processes; therefore, the separation is necessary. Last but not least, the chemical-based drug therapies are also listed in our flashcards. Learn more about this fascinating topic today!