Top Living Religions Flashcards

“Living Religions” covers all the major religions of the world, explaining their rituals, beliefs, history, and cultural connections. In the study of religion, it’s important to remember that for most people throughout history religion has been deeply interwoven with culture and everyday life, rather than being a separate domain. For most people, religion is a set of practices that help people understand the universe (or try to learn some way of accepting that they can never understand the universe fully), and that help them live a life that’s more in line with their values.

These practices aren’t limited to “rituals” like prayer or fasting, but also include little rituals that people use throughout the day to try and become more accepting, more compassionate, and more at peace within themselves. Although religions differ widely in their philosophical views and the specific details of their rituals, they also share a core emphasis on compassion and universal moral values.