What Are the Theories of Leadership and Management Flashcards

Theories of Leadership and Management - Exam 1

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Evolution of Management Theory
Fayol identified management functions, Gulick expanded them.  Now there are 5 POSDC - planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling
1900-1930 Scientific managementIf we were taught the one best way to do the job we would be most efficient.  Match the worker with the jobPeople are motivated by money- give financial incentivesBelieved the managers planned, prepared, supervised work and workers did it. Productivity and Profits INCREASEDDidn't take worker into consideration
What makes some workers more efficient than others? He decided that workers needed a hierarchyNeed for rules and regulations
1925 Management Functions like:PlanningOrganizingStaffingDirectingControlling
Activities Management- 7 things- plan, budget, etc 
Managers should not dominate but work as a team
Hawthorn Effect- effects of lightThe more attn given to employees = inc productivityinformal groups > productivity
Theory X and Theory Yattitudes toward employees determines productivityX managers think employees are lazy and need direction Y managers think employees enjoy work & are self motivated
Employee Participation- agreed the manager domination causes worker frustrationThey need self confidence
Great Man Theory
Some people are born with special traits/ qualities that make them good leaders
Human Relations Era
1930-1970 considered the worker
Behavioral Theories
Styles of Leadership were defined - laissez-faire, democratic, authoritarian 
Situational Theory
Leaders change their leadership style according to a situation
Transactional Leadership
Focuses on mgmt tasks (day to day)is a caretaker- gives directions/ set goalsuses trade-offs to meet goalsdoes not identify shared values- focuses on own/ org'sexamines causesuses contingency reward to reinforce behavior
Transformational Leadership
Identifies common values-gets to know employees and common valuesis committed to profession and organizationinspires others with visionhas long term visionlooks at effectsempowers otherswant employee to be the best they can be**considered best