Skin Structures

The has skin terms layers. 

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 199

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Front Back
Hair Shaft
Portion above the surface
Sweat Pore
Hole in the skin that produces sweat
Dermal Papillae
Provides the skin with nutrients
Meissner's Corpuscle
Receptors for light touch and txture
Free Nerve Ending
Feel heat and cold on touch
Reticular Layer of dermis
Thickest part of the dermis
Sebaceous Gland
Produce an oily secreatrion called sebum
Arrector Pili Muscle
Gives us goosebumps
Sensory Nerve fiber
Sensory nerve fibers track touch and feel
Eccrine sweat gland
Produce and release exocytes like in the tear ducts
Pacinian Corpuscle
Receptors for deep pressure, stretch, tickle, and vibration
Helps bllod travel through the skin
Blue veins help blood travel
Adipose Tissue
Layer of fat in the hypodermis
Root Hair Plexus
Keep the hair in place