Patho/pharm Exam 4

WSU CON N311 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Exam 4

176 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Blood pressure=
Cardiac output x systemic vascular resistance
Normal BP
HTN stage 1
HTN Stage 2
Target BP for Uncomplicated HTN
Target for BP for diabetes or chronic kidney disease
<130/<80, people with diabetes are at higher risk for atherosclerotic problems and heart disase
Primary HTN
Idiopathic, risk factors contribute, don't know exact cause
Secondary HTN
Secondary to another condition, like hyperthyroidism
DASH diet diet
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (increase fruits and veggies), lower amounts of sodium & cholesterol
Hypertensive emergency
Evidence of end-organ damage, rapid controlled reduction, parenteteral meds IV drugs used to quickly reduce BP
Hypertensive urgency
No evidence of end-organ damage, assess for sources & find etiology, 24-48 hr reduction
Orthostatic hypotension
Postural changes, caused by hypovolemia/blood loss, shock, drugs (alpha blockers that inhibit vasoconstriction), prolonged bedrest, heart failure (can't maintain CO), SCI (can't control peripheral constriction below injury)
Stable angina pectoris
Chest pain with activity, predictable, lasts 3-5 min, mild SNS stimulation, SOB, no infarction (cell death), supply & demand problem
Acute stable angina management
Rest (reduces demand), sublingual nitroglycerine (supply and demand)