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-One or more teeth smaller than normal -True Generalized= all teeth uniformly smaller -Relative Generalized= Man and max are larger than normal, but teeth are normal size -most commonly affects lateral incisors and maxillary thirrd molars |
![]() -One or more teeth that are larger than normal -True Generalized= All teeth uniformly larger -Relative Generalized= Man and Max are smaller than normal but teeth are normal size |
-Congenital absence of teeth
Anodotia- Total
- Ectodermal dysplasia |
![]() -Rare -Genetic -Hair Absent -Inability to regulate body temp. -usually not total ( Hypodontia or partial) |
Anodotia- Partial
-Absence of one or more teeth. - most common |
![]() -More teeth than the normal number -90% in maxilla - Most common: ~mesiodens ~Maxillary 4th molars( paramolars) ~Max. lateral incisors - mandibular ~ Premolars |
Natal teeth
-Deciduous teeth that are present at birth
-Most commonly one or two teeth -most commonly mandibular central incisors |
Neonatal teeth
-1st thirty days of life
Delayed eruption
-Idiopathic or associated with Rickets, cleidocranial dysplasia -Gingival fibramatosis- dense fibrous connective tissue |
Impacted Teeth
Physical barriers- crowding, supernumerary teeth, odontogenic cyst and tumors Most common-3rd molars, max. cuspids, man. 2nd molars |
- Sharp bend or angulation invloving the root |
-Molar with an enlongated crown and apically placed furcation and enlarged, rectangular coronal pulpal chamber -results from damage to Hertwigs's sheath (determines shape) |
-The tendency to revert to ancestral type. -Evolutional throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared. |
Dens Invaginatus - Dens in dente
-deep enamel- lined pit that extends into the dentin
-Maxillary lateral incisors, max central incisors - causes- pulpitis, pulpal necrosis and inflammatory periapical disease |
Supernaumerary Cusp
(Cusp of Carabelli) |
-Mesiolingual of maxillary 1st molars