Pathology Growth Factors and Cytokines

Cytokines and growth factors

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Epidermal growth factor alpha 
Secreted by platelets and growth factorsmitogenic for keratinocytes and fibroblastsstimulate keratinocyte migration and granular tissue formationbinds the EGFR
Transforming growth factor alpha
Secreted by macs, t cells, keratinocytes, etcsimilar to EGFstimulates replication of hepatocytes and most epithelial cells
Transforming growth factor beta
Secreted by platelets, macs1. growth inhibitor for epithelial cells2. fibrogenic agent-stimulates production of collagen, fibroblast chemotaxis3. anti-inflammatory function assoc with t cellskey mediator in tissue repair
Fibroblast growth factor
Secreted by macs, mast cells, t cells, fibroblastscontribute to wound healing responseschemotactic for fibroblasts, mitogenic f and k
Vascular endothelial cell growth factor
Secreted by many different cellsincreases vascular permeabilityinduces blood vessels formation, healing of wounds, angiogenesis
Platelet derived growth factor 
Stimulates fibroblast growth and movementIncreases synthesis of collagenVasculogenesis and angiogenesisstored in platelets
key mediator in tissue repair
Hepatocyte growth factor
Secreted by mesenchymal cellsproliferation of hepatocytes, epithelial cells, endothelial cellsincreases cell motility, keratinocyte replication
Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)
Secreted by macrophages, mast cells, t cellsactivates Macs, regulates other cytokines, expression of adhesion moleculesmediates inflammation
Secreted by macs, endothelial cellscauses fever, neutrophil releasesimiliar actions as TNF
Produced by macschemoattaction for neutrophilsneutrophil activation
Acute phase response, systemic effectsB cell maturation to Ig secretion
Released by macs and t cellsrecruit hematopoietic elements from bone marrowactivate mature macs and granulocytesI
Stimulate mast cell growthproduction of IgEmediate hypersensitivity rxn
Production dependent on IL-4binds mast cells and eosinophils and cause degranulation
4 mediators of vasodilation