Patho Chapter 6


27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Immune response
Has 2 arms; antibodies and T cells - both protect against infection
Adaptive immuntiy
Immuntity acquried from baccienes or prior infections takes time to respond hoever it last longest
Humoral immuntiy
When the antibody is primarily responsible for protection against many bacteria and viruses
Cell-mediated immunity
T cell differentiation
Active immunity
Produced by an individual after either natural exposure to an antigen or agter immunization - long lived
Passive immunity
Occures when preformed antibodies or T cells are transferred from a donor to the recipient ex pregnancy - only temporary
A molecule that can react with antibodies or antigen receptors on B and T cells. an antigen that is immunogenic will induce an immune response resulting in the production of antibodies or functional T cells
Antigens that induce an allergic response
Immunoglobulin (Ig) a serum glycoprotein produced by mature B cells in response to an antigen
Most abundant Ig found in blood, accounting for most of the protective activity against infection -also major class of antibody fornd in blood of the fetus newborn
Found in blood and body secretions
Largest Ig it is the first antibody produced during the initial response to antigensynthesized during neonatal life
Has very specialized functions as a mediator of manu common allergic resposes and in the defense against parasitic infection
Found in low concentration in the blood
Functions of antibodies
Neutralization, agglutination, precipitaion