Ob-Gyn Pathology Fetal Echocardiography

Fetal echocardiography

120 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Front Back
Fetal indications for echo (first 3)
1. polyhydramnios 2. nonimmune hydrops 3. suspected cardiac abnormality on routine ultrasound
Maternal indications for fetal echo (2)
1. maternal disease affecting the fetus 2. maternal ingestion of drugs or teratogens
Maternal diseases that affect fetus (3)
1. diabetes 2. lupus 3. infections during pregnancy
Maternal ingestion of drugs or teratogens (2)
1. alcoholism 2. drug exposure during pregnancy
Fetal indications for echo (last 3)
4. extracardiac abnormalities 5. chromosome abnormalities 6. intrauterine growth retardation
Tricuspid valve sits....
.... slightly lower than mitral valve.
Immune hydrops
Fetal and maternal blood incompatible
Nonimmune hydrops
Other anomalies
All trisomy babies have....
.... cardiac defects.
Family indications for fetal echo (2)
1. familial history of CHD in previous sibling 2. history of genetic syndromes
High risk if mom....
..... has a heart defect.
Fetal echo detects.....
..... the presence and severity of cardiac abnormalities.
Fetal echo enables.....
..... the parents and physicians to make a decision regarding treatment.
Fetal echo ensures that delivery....
.... can be scheduled at an appropriate hospital.
Three shunts in fetal circulation
1. patent ductus arteriosus 2. patent foramen ovale 3. ductus venosus