Nutrition Lecture 5,6,7

Water, Phytochemicals, Herbs, Organic, GMO, Recommended diets, Nutritional support

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Most important nutrientLive only 6 days without water
Functions of water
SolventTemperature regulatorLubricantMedium for food digestionTransports wasteRegulator of acid base balance
Sources of water
Beverages 75-80%Foods 20%Food with high water content-- Lettuce, oranges, bananas, chicken, skim milk, apples, grapes
Water loss
Urine, perspiration, breathing, feces, diarrhea, burns, blood losses
Dietary reference intakes of water
Men 3.7 litersWomen 2.7 litersAdditional fluid required with athletes, infants, sickness, warm weather
Functional foods
Food or food component that provides a health benefit beyond basic nutritionIncludes phytochemicals and zoochemicals
Components in plants that are used to promote human health.Thought to protect against diseases such as cancer, hypertension, heart diseaseExamples Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soy products
Components from animal sources used to promote healthExamples eggs, salmon, sardines
Health Benefits of functional foods
Reduce prostate cancer, reduce risk for heart disease, reduce breast cancer, reduce risk of osteroporosis, reduce risk for skin cancer, may prevent retinopathy, may protect against stroke, supports immune system
Fortified foods
Adding nutrients to foods in amounts greater than normally present.Example fortified cereals, milk
Whole grain
Minimally processed. Contains whole entire grain kernel (bran, germ, and endosperm)
Refined grain
Grain has been modified. Bran or germ has been removed. Adds texture and shelf life to foods. Can remove fiber, vitamins, and minerals
Enriched foods
Adding vitamins and minerals lost or diminished during food processing.
Live microbial foods or supplements used to balance the "good" and "bad" bacteria in the intestine.Used to improve gastro-intestional function2 Types-- Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium
Examples of probiotics
Yogurt, fermented milk, buttermilk, aged cheeses, sauerkraut, miso