
Cranial nerves, sensory and motor tracts, cerebral lobes

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Cranial nerve I
Olfactory nerve - smell
Cranial nerve II
Optic nerve - vision
Cranial nerve III
Oculomotor nerve - mediates vision
Cranial nerve IV
Trochlear nerve - mediates vision
Cranial nerve V
Trigeminal - muscles of mastication; general sensation of head and face
Cranial nerve VI
Abducens - mediates vision
Cranial nerve VII
Facial - muscles of facial expression; taste; glands
Cranial nerve VIII
Vestibulocochlear nerve - balance and equilibrium; hearing
Cranial nerve IX
Glossopharyngeal nerve - taste; glands; swallowing
Cranial nerve X
Vagus nerve - phonation; taste; swallowing; elevation of palate
Cranial nerve XI
Accessory nerve - head and shoulder movement; laryngeal muscles
Cranial nerve XII
Hypoglossal nerve - tongue movements
Frontal lobe
Motor commands, motor planning, thought and personality, olfaction
Parietal lobe
Somatosensation, sensory integration
Occipital lobe
Visual processing