Human Geography

83 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Cultural Complex
Combination of traits characteristic of a particular group
Cultural Hearths
1. The geographic origins or sources of innovations, ideas, or ideologies
Cultural Landscape
1. - a characteristic or and tangible outcome of the complex interactions between a human group and a natural environment
Cultural Nationalism
1. an effort to protect regional and national cultures from the homogenizing impacts of globalization, especially from the penetrating influence of US culture
Cultural Trait
1. - a single aspect of the complex of routine practices that constitute a particular cultural group
Spatial dispersion of a previously homogeneous group
1. socially created system of rules about who belongs and who does not belong to a particular group based upon actual or perceived commonality
Folk Culture
1. traditional practices of small groups, especially rural people with a simple lifestyles who are seen to be homogeneous in their belief systems and practices
Popular Culture
1. practices and meaning systems produced by large groups of people whose norms and tastes are often heterogeneous and change frequently, often in response to commercial products.
1. problematic classification of human beings based on skin color and other physical characteristics
1. practices of categorizing people according to race or of imposing a racial character or context
Rites of Passage
1. ceremonial acts, customs, practices, or procedures that recognize key transitions in human life, such as birth, menstruation, and other markers of adulthood such as marriage
1. set of practices & identities that a given culture considers related to each other and to those things it considers sexual act & desires
Agglomeration Diseconomies
The negative economic effects of urbanization and the local concentration of industry
Agglomeration Economies
1. interdependencies associated with various kinds of economic linkages, including the cost advantages that accrue to individual firms because of their location among functionally related activities