Economic development/political factors

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Social challenges to economic development
O Too rapid population growth o Low levels of education Ø Brain-drain o Poor diet and health—chronic persistent hunger o Poor infrastructure (sanitation/housing) o Rural to urban migration o Female inequality (education/health/role in economy) o Lack of sufficient and accurate data for planning
Brain drain
People are trained abroad and never go back to their original country—high technical skills from a developing country who end up staying in the developed country
Economic challenges to development
O Poor transportation networks o Low and unreliable electrical power o Source of capitalØ Foreign or domestic? Ø Public or private?o Poor match of resources and development plans
Foreign vs domestic source of capital
Domestic: do people save their money and put it in a financial institution where the government can tap and it can be used for development?Foreign: World Bank, IMF, UN, DEBT
Public vs private source of capital
Private: philanthropic ventures (Gates foundation) Public: Foreign aid in addition to Global financial agencies
Poor matches of resources and development plans
Ø Private philanthropists from Canada went to parts of East Africa and tried to show them better wheat cultivation § East African soil is volcanic and erodes when disturbed; Canadian soil is organic
Political challenges to development
O Unstable (uncertainty for investment) o Military expendituresØ CNN report: African wars cost billions; $300 billion lost between 98-05 o Corruptiono Debt
Gross National Product per capita
Total value of goods and services produced by a country’s economy, within and without; based on citizenship of owners not territory where produced
Gross National Product per capita
Value of the total output of goods and services produced by a country; GDP/total population
Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
What money will actually buy in each country (relative costs of goods)
Human Development Index (HDI)
Measurement of economic and social development · -Health (life expectancy) · - Education (years of schooling and literacy rate) · - Living standards
Gender Development Index (GDI)
Compares the level of standard of living of women w/ that of both sexes in terms of income, literacy, and life expectancy
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
Compares ability of men and women to participate in economic and political decision-making; high-paying positions and access to professional and parliamentary positions · -Growing force in developing world · -Already fairly common in Europe · -Women in Rwanda b/c men left after genocide · -Two African women presidents and won Nobel Peace Prize
Development through international trade
Concentrating resources on the expansion of its distinctive local industriesRostow's stages: traditional society, preconditions for takeoff, takeoff, drive to maturity, age of mass consumption, post-industrial era
Traditional society
O Subsistence agriculture or hunting/gathering o Limited technology o Rigid society: no mobility w/ fluidity upwards