Health Safety Nutrition

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27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is malnutrition?
Inadequate or abundant intake of nutrients/calories in your body
What is Heretity?
Genes passed down from mother and father at the time of conception
What are nutrients?
Substances found in food
What is an essential nutrient?
Necessary in order for our body to function
What is obesity?
A condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat
What is nutrition?
Study of food
What is chronic?
An ongoing or persistant illness that may be permanent
What is abuse?
To mistreat, attack, or cause harm to another individual
What is neglect?
Failure of a parent or legal guardian to properly care for and meet the basic needs of a child under the age of 18
What is a calorie?
Potential energy for the body
List the 4 types of development
Cognitive, emotional, physical, language
Explain the term CACFP
Child adult care food program....Federal subsity that goes to the ISBE and disbursed to income eligible programs
What is SCHIP?
State child health insurance program. Federal governemt states that every state myst have insurance for children
Explain the term mandated reporter
It is the responsibility of anyone who works with or cares for children to report to DCFS any concerns regarding the health safety and well being of children.... Child care Act of 1969
Explain the BMI index
A tool that provides a height and weight ratio takes the place of growth charts