Frontal and Parietal Lobe Pathology

Aa   c

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Parietal Inability to percieve visual words Loss of the ability to read
Auditory agnosia
Parietal Failure to identify and respond appropriately to complex sounds
Colour agnosia
Parietal Inability to recognise colours despite intact colour perception
Tactile agnosia (astereognosis)
Parietal Inability to recognise objects by touch without visual input
Visual object agnosia
Parietal Inability to recognise objects presented visually
Parietal Failure to percieve illness, a defect, or the denial of a defect, or a lack of awareness for a hemiplegia Non-dominant hemisphere
Parietal Indifference to, or lack of concern about, the illness or deficit Non-dominant hemisphere
Asomatognosia/ Somatoparapheria
Parietal Disturbance of body scheme, lack of awareness of body structure and a failure to recognise body parts and their relationship to each other Dominant hemisphere
Parietal Disturbance of body scheme, lack of awareness of body structure and a failure to recognise body parts and their relationship to each other Left parietal lobe
Parietal Inability to recognise faces Non-dominant hemisphere
Visuospatial disorders
Parietal Spatial relations disorder; size, distance, laterality, shape Non-dominant hemisphere
Visuoperceptial disorders
Parietal Inability to distinguish between different types of forms Non-dominant hemisphere
Topographical disorientation
Parietal Inability to orientate with an environment and following non-verbal maps Non-dominant hemisphere
Unilateral neglect
Parietal Person appears to ignore sensory information from the left Usually right hemisphere
Ideomotor apraxia
Parietal Inability to perform motor tasks on command which can be performed automatically Dominant hemisphere