What Are Terms Related to Compentancy Based Recruitment and Selection Flashcards

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The behavioural characteristics of an individual that are related to their effective performance in a role
Competency-based interviews
These interviews are structured around job-specific competencies that require interviewees to describe specific tasks or situations. They work on the belief that the best indication of future behaviour is past behaviour
Employer brand
An organization is recognized in its own right as a desirable place to work – positive employer brand – by the internal and external labour market
A vacancy is advertised to potential candidates via the internet. It can target internal and/or external recruits
External recruitment
A vacancy is advertised to potential candidates outside the existing employee base in the organization
Internal recruitment
A vacancy is advertised to potential candidates from within the existing employee base in the organization
International recruitment
A vacancy is advertised to potential candidates who are currently residing overseas
Job analysis
The process used to gather detailed information about the various tasks and responsibilities involved in a position. Through this process, the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviours associated with successful performance in the role are also identified
Job description
The detailed breakdown of the purpose of the role and the various tasks and responsibilities involved in a particular job
Person specification
Specifies the type of person needed to do a particular job. It essentially translates the job description into human terms
Person–job fit
The extent to which the enthusiasm, knowledge, skills, abilities and motivations of the individual match those required by the job
Person–organization fit
The extent to which the values, interests and behaviours of the individual match the organizational culture
A method is identified as reliable if it consistently measures what it sets out to measure
A process used to find the candidate who most closely matches the specific requirements of a vacant position
A sifting process where those candidates who most closely match the predetermined job-specific requirements are separated out from all other applicants