Human Geography Chapter 1

Introduction to Human Geigraphy / Maps

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Human geography
Study of people and cultures
Physical geography
Study of nature, such as climate, soil, animals, etc.
WORLDWIDE outbreak of disease
REGIONAL outbreak of disease
What are the five themes of geography?
Location - geographical location of people and places Human/Environment - how humans cause changes in the environment and visa versa Region - Features concentrated in a certain area\ Place - labeling or associated a place with certain emotions or traits Movemnt - mobility of people, goods, services, and ideas.
Natural features, human structures, and other tangible objects that gives a place its shape
Cultural landscape
Imprint of human activity on the landscape
Allows people to accurately locate themselves by satelite
Geographic information system; used to layer data
Relative location
Describes the location of a place in relation to features around it
Absolute locations
Location as measured by latitude and longitude
Formal region
Marked by physical criteria or a shared cultural traits
Functional region
Product of interactions; not necessarily culturally similar
Perceptual regions
Regions without definate boundaries, used in daily life.
Way of life