Ch 8 Minerals: Visualizing Nutrition

FSHN 185 Minerals Flashcards.

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Mineral Bioavailability
Decrease: F_____ p______ Ox______
EX: calcium and iron
Ex: vitamin C and iron
Animal product sources _______________
Decrease: Fiber and phytate, Oxalates
Mineral-mineral interactions
EX: calcium and iron
Vitamin-mineral interactions
Ex: vitamin C and iron
Animal product sources generally best absorbed
Minerals Most Likely to be Deficient in N. America

Major functions of minerals F E A S BL
Fluid balance
Energy Metabolism
Antioxidants Structure (bones)
Blood components
Fluid Balance: Four components? S C P P What are Sources of each? Purpose of each?
Table salt (NaCl):40% sodium, 60% chloride
Major (+) ion, extracellular fluid
Table salt
Major (-) ion, extracellular fluid
Fruits, vegetables, milk, grains, meats, dried beans
Major (+) ion, intracellular fluid
Dairy and meats
20-30% from food additives
Soda contains phosphoric acid
Difficult to limit intake
Food Manufactures Vs. Home Cooked:
How does sodium chloride get into our food? (%)
Where does it come from?
~15% added by individuals
~10% naturally occurring in foods
~ 75% added by food manufacturers
What minerals contribute to Structure (Bones)? What are they found in?
Makes up 40% of all the mineral present in the body
Has many functions in addition to bones
Plant products: legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains, vegetables
Toothpaste, tea
Calcium / Bone Mass Facts: Peak mass age? Loss begins age? Major bone mass loss called? What is is? Who / what increased risk?
Peak bone mass: age 20-30
Bone loss begins: age 30-40
Significant loss at menopause
Poor bone structure
High risk: female, small frame, old age, low calcium intake, smoking, ED
Calcium Absorption: Enhancers / Inhibitors
Best source of calcium?
Vitamin D, stomach acid
Phytates, oxalates, tannins
Dairy is best source of Calcium
Vegetarianism and calcium: challenges & tips
Difficult to ____ ____ without ____.
Some _____ sources are poorly absorbed
Choose ________foods
Dairy ___________
T_____ (some types)
Some RTE ______, _______
Some green ________
Difficult to meet needs without dairy
Some plant sources are poorly absorbed
Choose fortified foods
Dairy substitutes
Tofu (some types)
Some RTE cereals, snacks
Some green vegetables
Sulfur controls _____ base balance. Source? Component of?
Acid-base balance
Source: food proteins
Component of body protein
Two types of bones:
Cortical or compact bone
Trabecular or spongy bone
Bone is composed of:
A protein frame work, or matrix, hardened by deposits of minerals

___________ is the most abundant protein
_____________ is the calcium-phosphorus crystal
Collagen is the most abundant protein
Hydroxyapatite is the calcium-phosphorus crystal
Two types of iron in the diet? Each comes from where?
Heme iron: part of hemoglobin and myoglobin in animal products. Heme iron is absorbed more efficiently and less affected by other dietary factors
Nonheme iron: in plant foods and released from cooking utensils
Map basic chemical structure of heme iron.Map basic chemical structure of heme iron.Map basic chemical structure of heme iron.
Answer 15
Fe chem structure