
20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Innervates-levator scapula (connected to transverse processes)-rhomboid muscles (adduct scapula)
Accessory Nerve
Innervates -trapezius-sternocleidomastoid muscles
Injury to accessory nerve
Weakness in shoulders (trapezius weakness)
Injury to thoracodorsal nerve
Answer 4
Paralysis of latissimus dorsiPatient unable to raise trunk
Where is caudal (epidural) anesthetic delivered?
Sacral hiatus (inject in dura matter)
Lumbar Puncture
Collect CSF from subarachnoid space: L3/L4 or L4/L5
Suboccipital Nerve (Dorsal primary ramus of C1)
Answer 7
Innervates: -rectus capitis posterior major-obliques capitis superior and inferior
Hunchback- increased thoracic curvature, resulting from osteoporosis
Triangle of Auscultation
TrapeziusLatissimus DorsiMedial Border of Scapuula
Transverse Cervical Artery
Thoracodorsal Artery
Latissimus Dorsi
Deep Branch of Transverse Cervical Artery
Rhombaid major
Subclavian artery goes to first rib and has the following branches:
Thyrocervical TrunkDorsal Scapula ArterySuprascapular Artery
After first rib--> Axillary Artery--> has 3 parts and continues until:
Teres Major
Brachial Artery gives off the following branch:
Profundi Brachii Artery (posterior of arm, between head of triceps)