ASVAB Paragraph Comprehension Flashcards

This set of quiz based flashcards focuses on ASVAB Paragraph Comprehension. Learn about the theories and much more with our simple and easy sets of quiz based flashcards. Learn, Study, and revise with our knowledge-based flashcards.

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An important stage of personal time management is to take control of appointments. Determined by external obligation, appointments constitute interaction with other people and an agreed-on interface between your activities and those of others. Start with a simple appointment diary. List all appointments including regular and recurring ones. Now, be ruthless and eliminate the unnecessary. There may be committees where you can’t productively contribute or where a subordinate may be able to participate. Eliminate the waste of your time.

Effectively managing your appointments allows you to: A. Spend more time with your subordinatesB. Delegate responsibility to subordinatesC. Make more efficient use of your timeD. Attend only the most important meetings
Make more efficient use of your time Effective appointment management eliminates the waste of your time, as explained in the last sentence of the passage.
The U.S. Congress consists of 100 senators and 435 representatives. Two senators are elected from each state. The number of representatives from each state is based on population, although each state has at least one representative. Senators serve six-year terms and representatives serve two-year terms.According to this passage:
A. There are an equal number of senators and representatives. B. The number of representatives from each state is decided by a lottery. C. It’s possible for a state to have no representatives. D. Senotars and representatives have different term lengths.
Senotars and representatives have different term lengths. The passage gives the numbers of senators and representatives, so Choice (A) is incorrect. The passage states that each state’s population determines the number of representatives a state has, so Choice (B) is incorrect. As stated in the passage, each state has at least one representative, so Choice (C) is incorrect.
Indo–European languages consist of those languages spoken by most of Europe and in those parts of the world that Europeans have colonized since the 16th century (such as the United States). Indo–European languages are also spoken in India, Iran, parts of western Afghanistan, and in some areas of Asia.
The author of this passage would agree that: A. Indo-European are spokenin areas all over the world.B. Indo–European languages include all the languages spoken in the world. C. Only Europeans speak Indo–European languages. D. Indo–European language speakers can easily understand one another.
Indo-European are spokenin areas all over the world. Many languages are excluded from the Indo–European language group, so Choice (B) is incorrect. Indians, Iranians, Asians, and Afghans aren’t Europeans, so Choice (C) is incorrect. The passage gives no evidence to support Choice (D), which isn’t true.
In privatization, the government relies on the private sector to provide a service. However, the government divests itself of the entire process, including all assets. With privatized functions, the government may specify quality, quantity, and timeliness requirements, but it has no control over the operations of the activity. Also, the government may not be the only customer. Whoever the government chooses to provide the services would likely provide the same services to others.

This paragraph best supports the statement that: A. The government must closely supervise privated functions.B. Privatized functions consist of a mixture of government employees, military personnel, and private contractors. C. Privatized functions are those institutions that provide services only to a government agency. D. Privatized functions provide essential services to the government.
Privatized functions provide essential services to the government. Privatized functions operate independently of the government, making Choices (A) and (B) incorrect. The passage states that privatized functions may sell goods and services to other customers as well as the government, so Choice (C) is also incorrect. Choice (D) is the correct answer, as privatized functions do perform essential services to government agencies.
The success or failure of a conference lies largely with its leader. A leader’s zest and enthusiasm must be real, apparent, and contagious. The leader is responsible for getting the ball rolling and making the attendees feel as if the meeting is theirs and its success depends on their participation. A good, thorough introduction helps establish the right climate.
A good title to this paragraph would be: A. Lead by Example B. The Importance of Proper Introductions C. Leading a Successful ConferenceD. Conference Participation Basics
Leading a Successful Conference Choice (A) is always a good philosophy but isn’t pertinent to the main point of the ¬passage. Choices (B) and (D) are subpoints, which support the main point of the passage, which is how to lead a successful conference.
Scientists believe that a black hole is created when a supernova from a large star collapses on itself. This collapse causes a gravitational field that grows more and more intense until nothing can escape from its pull, not even light. It’s thought that the universe may end as a black hole.
According to this passage: A. A black hole emits light. B. A supernova is a black hole. C. The gravitional field of a black hole allows nothing to by a black D. The universe was created by a black hole.
Nothing escapes from a black hole, including light, so Choice (A) is incorrect. A black hole occurs when a supernova collapses, but they’re not the same thing, so Choice (B) is incorrect. The passage states that the universe might end as a black hole, not that a black hole created the universe, so Choice (D) is incorrect.
Military customs and courtesies are proven traditions that explain what should and shouldn’t be done in many situations. They are acts of respect and courtesy when dealing with other people and have evolved as a result of the need for order, as well as the mutual respect and sense of fraternity that exists among military personnel. Military customs and courtesies go beyond basic politeness; they play an extremely important role in building morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and mission effectiveness. Customs and courtesies ensure proper respect for the chain of command and build the foundation for self-discipline.
According to this passage:A. Military customs and courtesies are enforced by regulation.B. Military customs and courtesies are nothing more than basic politeness. C. Military customs and courtesies are the built blocks to self-discipline.D. Military customs and courtesies aren’t applicable to the Coast Guard.
The passage makes no reference about the enforceability of customs and courtesies, so Choice (A) would be incorrect. According to the passage, military customs and courtesies go beyond basic politeness, making Choice (B) incorrect. Choice (D) is incorrect because the passage doesn’t reference any individual military service. The last sentence of the passage contains the correct answer.
The Panama Canal is a ship canal that cuts through the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Although several foreign companies tried to build the canal throughout the 19th century, none were successful. After the U.S. helped Panama revolt against Columbia, the U.S. was given rights to the land the canal occupied. The U.S. government finished the canal in 1914.
According to this passage: A. Panama and Columbia fought a war over the Panama Canal. B. The U.S. was given rights to the canal land.C. Foreign companies built the canal before the U.S. stepped in. D. Panama built the canal in 1914.
The passage states that Panama revolted against Columbia, not that they fought over the canal, so Choice (A) is incorrect. The passage states that the foreign companies were unsuccessful in building the canal, so Choice (C) is incorrect. The United States, not Panama, built the canal, so Choice (D) is wrong.
Extreme care must be exercised to ensure proper handling and cleaning of soiled U.S. flags. A torn flag may be professionally mended, but a badly torn or tattered flag should be destroyed. When the flag is in such a condition that it’s no longer a fitting emblem for display, destroy it in a dignified manner, preferably by burning.
According to this passage, torn flags should be: A. MendedB. BurnedC. DestroyedD. All of the above
According to the passage a torn U.S. Flag can be professionally mended, but a severely torn flag should be destroyed. The preferred method of destruction is by burning.
Medieval guilds were similar to modern–day labor unions. These groups of merchants or craftspeople set rules regarding economic activity in order to protect themselves. Some guilds held considerable economic power, but even small guilds protected members. Guilds also served a social purpose.
According to this passage, guilds: A. Had only one purpose B. Had little in common with modern labor unions C. Exploited workers D. Held consiterable economic power
The passage states that guilds had economic and social purposes, so Choice (A) is incorrect. The passage states that guilds were similar to labor unions, so Choice (B) is incorrect. The passage states that guilds protected merchants and craftspeople; it says nothing about exploiting workers, so Choice (C) is incorrect.