8th Grade 1920 American History Flashcards

The study, learn, and revise about 1920 American History with our quiz based flashcards. Here re the key terms, definitions, words, and much more related to the topic of 1920 American History, which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards. ​

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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System for purchasing items on credit
Installment buying
Period in which the economy slumps
Period of increased stock trading and rising stock prices
Bull market
Young woman who rebelled against traditional ways of thinking
Act of secretly destroying property or interferring with work
Person who opposes organized government
Person who smuggled or made illegal liquor
Person who leaves his or her country to live in a foreign land
Historic period during which alcoholic beverages were banned
View that supports keeping foreigners out of the United States
Sometimes called the "noble experiment", banned the manufacture, sale, or transportation of liquor
Eighteenth Amendment
Which group benefited from the passing of the 19th amendment
What issue was involved in the Scopes Trial?
Whether the theory of evolution could be taught in public schools
What name was given to the period of achievements of black artists, writers, and musicians in New York during the 1920s?
The Harlem Renaissance
Name the teenager that swam across the English Channel in the 1920s
Gertrude Ederle