Yr2t2 EMDR


14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What do clients often say about traumatic memories after EMDR?
They appear to be less 'clear' than they did prior to therapy
What types of disorders can be treated with EMDR?
Many, but should have an aspect of trauma and be experiential rather than purely 'organic'
What is the central idea behind EMDR?
That traumatic memories have been maladaptively stored and need to be reprocessed
What are some theories regarding EMDR?
Bilateral stimulation is central; some say it unblocks the information processing system, restructures the memory by a ping-pong effect between the right and left side of the brain, that daily information is stored in the amygdala before shifting to the neocortex during REM sleep. Trauma is ‘too big’ and as such it stays in the amygdala where it can be ‘felt’; EMDR breaks up the information and processes it into long term memory and allows the memory which has been stored in a perceptual way (felt, seen etc) to be moved to a conceptual memory (experience based).
What are the three main goals in EMDR therapy?
A) To facilitate resolution of traumatic experiences b) To desensitize stimuli that causes present day distress c) To incorporate adaptive attitudes, skills and desired behaviours for enhanced future functioning
How does one explain the process of EMDR to a client?
When a person becomes upset or in distressed the brain cannot process information in the way it normally would. Trauma provokes intense emotions that become ‘stuck in time’ and information gets lodged in the right side of the brain. If we placed a person who has been through a traumatic experience in an MRI scanner the right side would flare up with the left side left less active. EMDR helps us to move the information from one side to both sides and after the EMNR process another MRI scan would show both sides lighting up
What is involved in the information gathering section of EMDR therapy?
* Gather Genograms * drug/alc/mood/other trauma * degree to which they can talk about it * What do they want? why are they here? * Any dissociation? (EMDR can increase splitting) * Vision/Support/safety *intending to be away any time soon? * Self harm/previous treatment?
What is involved in the second 'preparation' step?
· Education · Containment · Grounding · Safe/Calm place This is the point at which the left/right brain analogy is used, as is the ‘Window of Tolerance’
What is used in the third 'assessment' phase?
* hand in hand with desensitization * sets up target image (hottest = most closely associated with trauma/emotion) * assess emotions (1-10 for each, which they want to focus on, nudge them towards worst) * Assess somatic/sensations * Assess negative cognitions (ratings, how out of control) *Uncover desired positive cognition (what they would like to believe, rate it) SUDS/VOC
What is involved in the fourth 'Desensitisation' phase?
· Introduce bilateral stimulation · Check in on awareness of experience · Auditory · Tactile · Visual (research based mode of EMDR)It is often useful to use the train analogy; this may be like looking out of a train window, things may start to move, come together, it may feel like you are going into a tunnel, but remember that at the end of that tunnel there is light and a way out.
What is involved in the fifth 'installing' phase?
· The desired positive cognition (go beyond the issue stated, if control is desired install ‘in control of whole life’ etc) · Installation · Check the client’s belief in the positive cognition · Past · Present · Future
What is involved in the sixth 'body-scan' phase?
· Check for full clearing · Sometimes finding new information/feelings · Emphasize the experiential nature‘Start at the top of your head and move to your feet, is there any emotion left?’
What is involved in the seventh 'closure' phase?
· Safe/Calm place · Containment In some sessions not all emotion will be cleared, in these cases safe place work will be needed
What happnes in the 8th 're-evaluation' phase?
· The next session · Check SUDS and VOC · May find more information/feelingsSometimes find ‘feeder’ memories