Year One Drugs for Student Paramedics

Revision for the 12 drugs that year one student paramedics/emt's can use includes actions, indications & contra indications

113 cards   |   Total Attempts: 205

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Front Back
This drug is a potent vasodilator
Glycerol Trinitrate (GTN)
Indications fot GTN
Cardiac chest pain due to angina or MI
Acute Cardiogenic pulmonary odema
Contraindications for GTN
Hypovolaemia Hypotension (<90mmHg)
Haemorrhage(Cerebal) Head trauma
Viagra Unconsciousness
This drug is a sympathomimetic that stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors thus increasing blood flow during CPR
Indications for Adrenaline 1:1000
acute severe asthma deteriorating after nebulisation
Contraindications for adrenaline
Do not give repeat doses in hypothermic patients
Antiplatelet drug which reduces clot formation. Analgesic and anti pyrexic
Indications for aspirin
Confirmed MI or ischaemia by ECG

Central chest pain of cardiac origin
Contra indications for Aspirin
Known allergy under 16's
treatment with other anticoagulants (warforin)
Actions of dextrose 40% gel
Rapid buccal absorption leading to raised blood glucose levels
Indications for dextrose 40% gel
Known or suspected hypoglycaemia patient
Contraindications for dextrose gel
None but caution in unconscious patients. Use gauze swab and place in between lips
Inhaled analgesic agent
Indications for entonox
Moderate to sever pain
labour pains
Contra indications for entonox
Severe head injuries
decompression sickness(divers)
violently disturbed psychiatric patients