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Acetaminophen classified as what type of drugs?
Diagram of signals representing different densities is called?
Characteristics of Anemia regarding red blood cells and hemaglobin?
Decreased number or red blood cells, decreased hemaglobin
Radioluscent Contrast in regards to:-number of photons able to absorb?-darkness on film?-Has elements of low or high atomic number?
Radioluscent means xrays easily pass through it. (Air)-absorbs low number or photons-very dark film-High atomic number
Position to demonstrate Glenoid fossa:Oblique....
45 degrees side down, elbow flexed
Osgood Shlatter
Tendons pull tibial tuberosity away from tibia, visualized in lateral knee
Air/gas in pluera outside lungs
Loss of elasticity in aveoli, appears as flattening of hemidiaphram
Hiatal Hernia
Stomach protrudes into diaphragm
Graves disease
Thyroid overactivity
Infmation of tongue
Position to visualize:
Clavicle |
15-30 degrees caudad
Position to visualize:Acromion process free of superimposition
RAO 60 degrees
Position to visualize: Glenoid Fossa
45 degrees oblique, affected side down
Position to visualize: Sternoclavicular Joint
Slightly obliqued, affected side down