Wounds and Wound Healing

Study wounds and wound healing

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Types of Wounds
Acute v.s. Cronic
Acute wounds
Heal freely, within the healing time frame
Chronic wounds
Complications occur, or pt missing healing factor.
Color classification
Yellow-Infection or slough
Red- good healing wound
Black- Eschar, dead tissue, necrosis
Question 5
Partial thickness
Does not go through all layers, ussually epi-dermis and dermis, heal by primary intention
Question 6
Full thickness
Question 7
Primary intention
Includes Inflamination phase, Granulation Phase, and Maturation Phase, clean wound margins with stiching and healing.
Secondary intention
Wound that is left open to allow healing. Ussually irregular wound margins, heals with scar tissue.
Tertiary intention
Wound is not closed for whatever reason ussully dues to infection, then close up later
What normal body produced steriod effects healing?
Total protein value
Serum Albumin Level
Pt has a serum albumin level of 2.0 what can't they do?
Marinated meat, boggy, bright red
Pt has a non-blanchable spot of errythema on cocyx, Spot does not resolve after 30 mins of turning pt. The site is painful, soft, and warm to the touch.
Stage I Pressure ulcer