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![]() World War II: Pacific BattlesWhy did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? |
To knock out the U.S. Pacific Fleet as a significant fighting force so we could not oppose their conquest of South East Asia and the Pacific Islands. They thought that once they had conquered all that territory that we would be unable to dislodge them from it even if we did rebuild the fleet.
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles When was the battle of Savo Island? |
August 9th, 1942
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles What was the Allied strategy in the Pacific? |
The Allied invasion of Sicily, July 9, 1943
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles How did U.S military leaders adapt their strategy to suit the geography of south Pacific? |
They adopted an "island hoping" strategy that bypassed large concentrations of Japanese troops, unless it was absolutely necessary to take an island, and left them to starve because they could not be resupplied.
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles How did U.S military leaders adapt their strategy to suit the geography of south Pacific? |
They adopted an "island hoping" strategy that bypassed large concentrations of Japanese troops, unless it was absolutely necessary to take an island, and left them to starve because they could not be resupplied.
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles How did the Battles of lwo jima and Okinawa affect U.S fighting in the Pacific? |
Due to the horrific casualties suffered by soldiers and civilians, those two battles were the reason Truman decided to drop the bomb instead of invading mainland Japan.
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles What led the United States to use atomic weapons against Japan? |
To force Japan to surrender without further fighting. Japan surrendered very quickly thus saving the lives of over 100,000 American soldiers and perhaps as many as 1,000,000 Japanese who would have died if we had invaded Japan.
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles How many planes and ships were destroyed or damaged during the Pacific war ? |
188 — planes 8 — battleships 3 — light cruisers 3 — destroyers 4 — smaller vessels
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles How many planes and ships were destroyed or damaged during the Pacific war ? |
188 — planes 8 — battleships 3 — light cruisers 3 — destroyers 4 — smaller vessels
![]() World War II: Pacific Battles Why was the war in the Pacific so important? |
-Japan needed to be contained so that the U.S. could use its combat power to bash Germany upside the head. Once Germany was down Japan would get a bullseye painted on it.
-Japan stole away the British and French colonies (that they had stolen a hundred years previously) and they had to be recaptured.
-Japan had to be prevented from possibly taking India and linking up with Germany in the MiddleEast