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Germany is to pay for the damage caused by the war, give back land they took and pay to rebuild it.
League Of Nations
An international organization formed in 1919 to promote cooperation and peace among nations; although suggested by Woodrow Wilson, the United States never joined and it remained powerless in trying to prevent war in Europe.
United States foreign policy after World War I, in which U.S. refused to join the League of Nations or engage in diplomatic alliances; lasted until U.S. entry into World War II.
General John Pershing
Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, appointed by Woodrow Wilson. "Black JAck Pershing and his strong forces cooperated with the Allies to stop German Offensive.
Treaty Of Versailles
Treaty ending World War I. It was extremely unfair to Germany, forcing them to accept all of the blame for the war. It is a major cause of World War
William Borah
States's Republican Party chairman. In the Senate he held great power as chairman of the foreign relations. Advocate of Isolationism in foreign policy, he was best known for his role in preventing the U.S. from joining the League Of Nations.
Henry Cabot Lodge
Republican U.S. Representative and Senator who argued against the League of Nations in 1919. chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations oppesed Wilson's foreign policy
![]() Allies |
All nations fighting the Germanic Empires
U.S.- President Woodrow Wilson, Britain- David Lloyd George, France- George Clemenceau, Russia- Czar Nicholas II
![]() Central Powers |
An alliance of the German Empire, Austria-Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire.
![]() Archduke Ferdinand |
The heir apparent to the Austria-Hungry Empire, assassinated by Serbian terrorist.
![]() Black Hand |
A secret Serbian terrorist group that trained Princip, murderer of Archduke Ferdinand.
![]() Propaganda |
Communication aimed at influencing the public opinion
![]() U-boats |
German submarine, short for undersea boat
Strong support of the rights and interests for one's country. It came into play when each country was out to prove teir dominance and power in WWI
![]() Lusitania |
"Greyhound of the Seas"; A German submarine missle went through the ships side in the Irish coast, and a second explosion occured after that. 1,119 passengers died, and it caused Germany to give warning to passenger ships before they were sunk.