World Civilization Exam 3


68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Five Year Plan
- Economic output, goals and quotas in the industry, are planning society for the next five years, 7 -10 million killed
- Wealthey farming class, had enough money to higher poeple, Stalin saw Kulaks as leaders to a resistance
Stalin's Purges
- To weed out the nonbelievers from position in the government or that did not agree with him.

The "Double Shift"
- Working as a mom, wife, and worker.
Employment in the Soviet Union
- Fewer than twenty employees could now operate under private ownership, Industry, Banking, and Mines remained in Government hands.
- "Living space", adopted by Hitler, nations power depends on amount of land it occupies, so nation must expands to be strong.
- First reeducation camp, Germany
- Night of brocken glass, Jew dad got killed, retaliated and killed an official, Jews sent to concentration camps for protection
- Germany killed Gynszpan father, he was Deported, Went to German official, and protested, no one helped him, assonated the German official.
Master Race
- "Aryan" Nordic people, the best of the best
Nuremberg Laws
- Forced to carry ID cards and ware the star of David, where restricted jews from professions.
Causes of World War 2
-Britain and France delaced war on Germany beacue Germany invaded Poland
Grand Alliance
- Britain, Slavic Union, United States, when the US intered the war, there goal was to defeat the Axis Powers
Axis Powers
-Germany, Italy, Japan, expansion through aggressive warfare
- "lightning war" A war conducted with great speed and force, Germany advance at the beginning of World War II