Wordly Wise Book 6 Lesson 2

Wordly Wise cards

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Showing too much pride in oneself.
You are were arrogant to claim that you knew the answers.
A feeling of too much pride in oneself.
Declaring that you are sure to win is another example of your arrogance.
To join others in refusing to deal with a person or group.
Customers plan to boycott that store if it continues to overpay.
The act of boycotting.
The fans called off their boycott when the teams agreed to lower ticket prices.
A series of actions intend to accomplish a goal.
Picking up litter was the first step in the campaign to clean up the town center.
A series of military actions in a particular area.
General Sherman's four- month- long Atlanta campaign ended with the fall of that city on September 2, 1864.
To take part in actions planned to accomplish a particular goal.
Students who wish to campaign for class office must submit petitions.
A formal event held in honor of a special occasion.
The bride and groom exchanged rings during the wedding ceremony.
Control over and responsibility for care.
Following a divorce, each parent may want custody for the children.
In keeping of the police; in jail.
The new offer took the the thief into custody.
To bring shame or disgrace upon.
By lying to cover up his cheating, Sam degraded himself even more.
Causing shame or disgrace.
Losing the trophy because one player had taken the bribe was a degrading experience.
To stop or hold; to keep from going.
The custom officers detained us while they searched our bags.
To reach out.
The conductor extended her arms as a signal to the orchestra to be ready.
To offer.
I wish to extend my apologies for behaving so badly.