Wordly Wise 3000, Book 2, Lesson 7

Lesson 7

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

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A sign or mark to show that a person belongs to a certain group
A flag or other piece of cloth with words or signs on it
1. the place where two walls or two sides of something meet2. the place where two streets come together3. to force a person or thing into a place that is hard to get out of
1. a pattern orĀ arrangementĀ of lines, shapes, or colors2. to make a plan to show how something will look or how it will be made
1. a public showing of things so that they can be looked at2. to set something out for others to see
1. a mark or crease made when something is bent over on itself2. to bend something over one or more times so that one part rests on another
Many people marching or moving along a certain street or road, to enjoy and remember a special day, with bands, cars, and flags
A figure made from four straight lines, with all four angles being the same size
To respect or honor in some way such as raising the hand to the forehead
1. the grooved part of a tire that touches the ground as it moves2. to walk or step on by bringing the feet down heavily