Wordly Wise 3000, Book 2, Lesson 5

Lesson 5

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

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To take in or soak up
1. a heavy weight on a rope or chain, which is dropped from a boat to keep it from moving2. to hold something firmly in place
1. an object made of short, stiff hairs or wires that are fastened to a handle2. to clean, paint, or smooth something by using a brush3. to touch something lightly by moving against it
A small swelling on a plant that will grow into a twig, flower, or leaf
1. the exact middle of something2. a place where people come together for some purpose
The hard middle part of fruits such as apples or pears, which holds the seeds of the plant
A building or group of buildings where things are made
The place where bees live
A young tree
1. the tall main stem of a tree, where its branches grow2. the long nose of an elephant3. a large box or case with a lid that can be shut and locked4. the covered part at the back of a car, used for carrying suitcases and other objects