Wordly Wise 3000, Book 2, Lesson 1

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
1. the back part of the leg between the knee and the ankle
2. a young cow or bull
1. the sharp curved nail on the toe of a bird or animal
2. the part of a crab or lobster used for gripping
3. to scratch or dig at something with sharp nails
1. two things of the same kind
2. two people who do things together
A pillow or a pad with a soft filling
1. something attached on only one side so that it can move freely
2. to move up and down
1. a person who takes care of horses
2. a man who is getting married
3. to clean or make neat
1. a part that each person gets of a whole
2. to use or enjoy with others
1. anything that covers or protects
2. to give protection or safety to someone or something
1. the land around a building
2. a length equal to three feet or thirty-six inches
The number equal to 0, which stands for nothing