Front | Back |
Lingua, linguae
Tongue, language
noun f (1st declension) Chapter 25 |
Ferox, ferocis
Fierce, savage
adj (3rd declension 1 ending) Chapter 25 |
Fidelis, fidele
Faithful, loyal
adj (3rd declension 2 ending) Chapter 25 |
Geminus, gemina, geminum
adj (1st and 2nd declension) Chapter 25 |
Sapiens, sapientis
Wise, judicious
adj. or noun (3rd declension) Chapter 25 |
Ultimus, ultima, ultimum
Farthest, extreme; last, final
adj (1st and 2nd declension) Chapter 25 |
Then, next
adv Chapter 25 |
adv Chapter 25 |
Ait, aiunt
He says, they say, assert
usually used w/ sayings or annecdotes verb Chapter 25 |
Credo, credere, credidi, creditum
To believe, trust
verb + acc (3rd conjugation) Chapter 25 |
Iaceo, iacere, iacui
To lie; lie prostrate, lie down
(not iacio, iacere) verb (1st declension) Chapter 25 |
Nego, negare, negavi, negatum
To deny, say that.... not
verb (1st conjugation) Chapter 25 |
Nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum
Not to know, be ignorant
verb (4th conj) Chapter 25 |
Nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum
To announce, report, relate
verb (1st conj) Chapter 25 |
Patefacio, patefacere, patafeci, patefactum
To make open, open; disclose, expose
noun f (3rd conj) Chapter 25 |