Fill in the Blanks with Correct Natural and Legal Rights Terms Flashcards

For the "We the People" government book over lessons 1-9

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Natural Rights
A philosophy from Lock called _________ that says life, liberty, and property were what people always seek in any time or location.
Social Contract
An agreement an individual makes to be governed in order to ensure that their natural rights by giving the government power to make and enforce laws is called a(n) _________.
State of Nature
A theory of philosopher Locke of how a nation would be with an absence of a government/ruling body where people have unlimited freedom to do as they wished is called a(n) _________.
John Locke
_________ developed the natural rights philosophy: state of nature, law of nature, and natural rights; and was a large influence on our founding fathers.
In order for a legitimate government to be formed, _________ must be given by the people to be ruled by that government.
A form of unlimited government where the power and authority of the government is in the hands of a singe person obtained by inheritance or by force is a(n) _________.
Checks & Balances
A system of _________ is used to prevent our government from abusing its power by sharing equality between the three branches of government.
Common Good
_________ is benefitting the community as a whole.
A(n) _________ is a set of laws and customs that limits the powers of a government in a constitutional government.
Constitutional Government
A(n) _________ is a government in which the poewrs of the government are limited by a constitution. Citizens have private domain and their natural rights must be protected.
Right of Revolution
If a government fails to protect people's rights, they people have a(n) _________.
Separation of Powers
_________ is where the government is divided into three groups: executive, legislative, and judicial.
A(n) _________ is a form of government where the ultimate authoritys rests with the will of the majority and also where members participated directly in their government instead of with representatives.
A(n) _________ is a form of an autocratic fovernment in which one person rules not through inheritance.
_________ is a form of unlimited government in which a dictator seeks to control all aspects of social and economic life.