Wars of the Roses

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90 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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Main causes of the wars of the roses
Genealogy War in France Finance Henry the 6th's personality Failure to control the nobles Poor law and order
Who led the war in france?
Richard Duke of York 1440-1446 Somerset after 1446
What happens in 1445
Henry marries margaret of anjou despit no dowry being paid.
Henry calls a parliament in 1449 to get money for the war in france
They attack his advisors They demand an act of resumption Only a small tax is granted so henry dissolves parliament
What happens to suffolk in 1449-50
Parliament accuses him of treason Henry manages to get him exhiled instead of executed His boet is intercepted and he is killed
Why was york unhappy
He is owed £37,667 for the war in france He has been in ireland since 1445 with no role in government
When is Cade's rebellion?
May 1450
Henry goes mad for the first time
August 1453
York' protectorate
27th March- December 1454
First battle of St Albans
22nd May 1455
Henry reconciles with York and The Nevilles but both sides use the time to build up their forces
June 1459
A great council is held at Coventry, York and the nevilles are accused of treason
Rout of Ludlow
A royal pardon is offered to the Yorkists that surrender, the soldiers abandon the army York and the nevilles flee in october 1459
Parliament of devils
November 1459 Leading yorkists scentanced to death, their land confiscated and their heirs lose their inheritance
How do the Yorkists turn their situation around from Calais?
They use anti-lancastrian propaganda They build up their forces Warwick starts a campain of piracy against the french, this gets them money and support