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3 functions of the cardiovascular system
1. transportation2. regulation3. protection
Plasma constitutes of total blood volume
Plasma proteins
Albumins (major) and fibrinogen
Albumins are produced by
Buffy coat in blood composed of and
Thrombocytes and leukocytes
Shape of red blood cells
Flattened biconcave discs that lack nuclei and mitochondria
Red blood cell measurements
2 types of white blood cells
Granulocytes and agranulocytes
3 types of granulocytes
Eosoniphils, basophils, and neutrophils (majority)
Fragments of megakaryocytes for blood clotting
Erythropoeisis is stimulated by from
Erythropoeitin, kidneys
Bone marrow is made in this process
Leukopoeisis is controlled by and is the sight of production for
Cytokines, lymphoid tissue
Thrombopoeitin is produced by and
The liver and kidneys
Universal donor blood type