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Bronze age
3000 BC-1200BCmetal tools/materials
Cycladic figurine canonical "Spedos" type 2500 BCislands around Delos, birthplace of Apollo
Cycladic figurine "Dokathismata" Type 2500 BC 8/9 types, prized earliest marble was cycladic10 cm to lifesize80% female, fertility... accentuated breasts and pubic and swollen belly
Cycladic figurine, harpist and flutist 2800-2300, male, also some hunters, ghost relief
Numerical canon (proportions of humans) compass on marble ECII (2800-2300 BC)L: unfinishedR: Bastis Master
Palace of Minos, Knossos, Crete, LM, north entrance
Bull leaper Palace of Knossos, LM1
Palaikastro Kouros 1525-1450 BCfound around 1990 named after Cretan siteretroactive name most Archaic and mainland/cycladeshippo ivory, gold attachments, crystal insert eyescult statue...epiphantic manifestation of god, vessel for its presencenaturalistic footchryselephantineyoung zeus?burned (destroyed w/ shrine)
Linear B tablets from KNosso and Pylos 15th c BC dark ages after 1200 BC (loss of evidence of language and writing)
Mainland, Grave Circles at Mycenae LH1mask of Agamemnon, dagger w/ movement and narrative, drinking thing
Mycenae, Lion Gate LHIIIB (13th c)Cyclopean Wallcollapse around 1200 BC (Trojan war?), dark till 800 BC
Hesiod Age of Man
Homer Contemp 1-Gold utopia2-Silver less noble3-Bronze terrible and strong4-Demi Gods nobler, heroes and Trojan war5-Iron labour and parish, mortal, disagree, dishonest, no fear of goddeterioration and the authority of ancestors
Dark Ages and Geo
11th-8th1100-700 BCcontact w/ near east, org. of polis (city and territory), org religion, lit, funerary practices, panhel sancta (Olympia and Delphi)
Heroon, Lefkandi , Toumba 950 BC Protogeometric , mid dark ages hero shrine
Lefkandi Centaurterracotta figurine 10th c BC half horse half manwheel made torso, geo decor like contempt vases